
fiction contest: Delfino Prize for Queer Genre Fiction--deadline Oct 15


Delfino Prize for Queer Genre Fiction

Winner receives $50 and publication in the January issue Collective Fallout

Finalists will all be published in the January or following July issuesCollective Fallout

Eligible stories must be queer-themes, between 3,000 and 10,000 words and fit into one or more of the following genres: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, or Science Fiction.

Entry fee is $5 per story.  Multiple submissions up to 3 stories are accepted.  Make payments via Paypal to 

(replace (at) with @)

Reading period is June 15 – October 15.

Finalists will be announced on the blog between November 1 & 15.

The winner (selected from those finalists) will be informed early in December, and announced in the January issue

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