
An email from Christine Rose for MA Lit Students:

Dear Graduate Students:

Just a reminder before the term begins:

The M.A. comprehensive examinations will be held on Friday the 17th of October, at 9am. Please, if you are taking the examination 4 items:

---Email me and Sarah Berry, the Graduate Secretary [sberry@pdx.edu] so that we will be sure to have questions for you.
---Let us know who is on your committee and for what 3 areas.
---Be sure your GO-12 has been filed by the OGS deadline—OCTOBER 3
---Apply for graduation at OGS by that date as well. This is v. important.

The room will be announced ASAP on this list, and posted on the door of the Dept. office, as usual. Computers will be available, just remind us if you want to use one. There will also be space and materials if you wish to handwrite your exams. Most Mac users have no trouble using PCs, and we are not usually able to get a computer lab where there will be Macs available (as happened last time). In that case, it would be a good idea for you to try out a PC at one of the labs between now and the 17th, to be sure you know how it works, before your exam. No need to have computer panic on that day.

Sarah and I will send a longer memo about the exam protocols once we have the list of those being examined. Be sure you remind your professor/ committee/ adviser about the date of the exam.

Hope to see you on Wed. Oct 1 @4:30 at the Dept. reception for graduate students.


---Portland State University
Graduate Studies Coordinator—M. A. in English
Honors Adviser
Neuberger M409
Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
FAX 503-725-3561
Office Hrs.: T, TH 3-4 pm; Wed. by appt.

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