
Contest: Memoir (and) Prize for Nonfiction (Deadline Oct. 31)

Memoir (and) Prize for Nonfiction:
$500 Prize and publication in our Fall Issue.

Reading period: August 1 through October 31, 2007

To enter:

Submit 10,000 words or fewer by email or snail mail: only one submission per person.
Submit a $10 entry fee by check or money order.
Submissions received without the $10 entry fee will be considered for publication but not entered in the contest.
We do not accept previously published submissions; we do accept simultaneous submissions.
We purchase one-time rights and pay with copies.
Pages have a way of becoming separated from each other like lively children. Yet we don’t think the writer’s name should be evident to our judges while reading. Therefore please use the following format:
- On the cover page: your name and contact information, and the entry’s title.
- On every page: the entry’s title.
- All pages numbered and double-spaced.
Be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want us to write back to you via snail mail about your submission.
Manuscripts will not be returned.
Entries must be postmarked between August 1 and October 31, 2007.
Send email entry to: submissions@memoirjournal.com. Attachments are okay. Pasting your submission into the body of your email is also okay.
Send snail mail entry to: Memoir Journal, P.O. Box 1398, Sausalito CA 94966-1398.
We read every submission from beginning to end, and respond within approximately twelve weeks.

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