
Get Involved with GLO!

Hello lovely writers!

First, I want to say that I'm very excited about taking over WEGO and the new GLO program! Jennifer Davis, the English side of our equation, and I have been talking a lot about what the organization wants to be known for, the events we want to host, and how to be the best possible organization for not only writers, but the Lit. students as well.
So. This is where you come in!
We're looking for volunteer committee members. Are you interested in putting together events, marketing, student voice, any or all of the above?
Are you more interested in just finding out what's being planned and having some say?
Well then come on out and chat with us, and have a beer while you're at it! Jennifer and I are meeting with anyone interested in participating in GLO at 5:30 on Monday, August 25th, at Pacinni's right by campus.
We're working on the idea of getting the 1 credit hour for committee members ;-) Plus it'll be fun!
So, once again:
5:30 PM, happy hour
Pacinni's (possibly not spelled correctly, so please forgive me!) (near campus: there's a Subway and Starbucks and I believe the Simon Benson house is right by it, too)
Monday, Aug. 25th.

See you then friends!

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